Family Law Services You Can Rely On
Price, McCluer & Plachecki is dedicated to helping individuals and families resolve sensitive issues that can have life-long financial and emotional implications. Family law, filing for divorce and child custody matters are complex areas that require extensive education, experience in negotiations and strong litigation skills.
At Price, McCluer & Plachecki, you are guaranteed representation by well-trained, seasoned professionals who care about your goals. We measure our success by the success of our clients. We not only work for you; we work with you. Our goal is to blend your needs with the law to effectively resolve your legal issues in Southeastern Minnesota.
The law is complicated. Your relationship with your attorney shouldn’t have to be. We cannot solve problems using the same way of thinking that we used when we created them. Call us for a better way.
How Can A Parenting Time Expeditor (PTE) Help?
Parents who have difficulties with parenting time can use the services of a parenting time expeditor to assist them in looking at disputes and resolving them. The expeditor will make the decision if the parents are unable to reach an agreement. This process saves money and is less stressful on parents and children than a return to court. Prior to the use of expeditors, parents had to re-engage attorneys and return to court when unresolved parenting time disputes arose. Today, courts can appoint specialists to help parents resolve these disputes outside the courtroom.
What Is Mediation?
Mediation is a process in which an impartial third party (the mediator) assists people in conflict in finding a mutually acceptable solution to their dispute. Mediation is both voluntary and confidential. Most commonly, the parties involved in the family law situation and the mediator will be the only ones present at the mediation. At times, it may be appropriate to include additional people in the mediation, such as the parties’ attorneys, counselors or, in rare circumstances, the children.
Compassionate Representation: Contact Us For Your Family Law Needs
As your trusted family law firm in Southeastern Minnesota, we are here to help guide you through life’s toughest challenges. Contact the attorneys at Price, McCluer & Plachecki to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you with all of your family law needs. Whether you’re dealing with a divorce, custody battle or other family law matters, we’re here to fight for you. Call us now at 507-384-6106 or use our contact form to make an appointment.